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Discrete structures play an important role in applications like program language modeling and software engineering. Current approaches to predicting complex structures typically consider autoregressive models for their tractability, with some sacrifice in flexibility. <br /> Energy-based models (EBMs) on the other hand offer a more flexible and thus more powerful approach to modeling such distributions, but require partition function estimation. In this paper we propose \modelshort, a new algorithm for learning conditional and unconditional EBMs for discrete structured data, where parameter gradients are estimated using a learned sampler that mimics local search. We show that the energy function and sampler can be trained efficiently via a new variational form of power iteration, achieving a better trade-off between flexibility and tractability. Experimentally, we show that learning local search leads to significant improvements in challenging application domains. Most notably, we present an energy model guided fuzzer for software testing that achieves comparable performance to well engineered fuzzing engines like libfuzzer.
1er février 2023
Poste de recherche
Lisez ce document de recherche, co-écrit par Russ Greiner, boursier et titulaire de la chaire d'IA de l'ICRA au Canada : Vers un système de santé apprenant basé sur l'intelligence artificielle pour la prédiction de la mortalité au niveau de la population à l'aide d'électrocardiogrammes
31 janvier 2023
Poste de recherche
20 janvier 2023
Poste de recherche
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